Hi, and welcome! If you’re reading this you either already know me (Melissa) or landed here randomly – in which case let me give you some basics:
- Home is with my husband and our dog on a small semi-rural acreage in south-east Queensland, Australia.
- After a busy career over three decades, I left the workforce to return to full-time study. I expect to complete my business degree at the end of 2023.
- Interests include travel, gardening, photography, reading, music, blogging, recycling, keeping fit and healthy.
- I’m the Treasurer for a small charity supporting people and families on a cancer journey, Lisa’s Lunches Inc.
I recently discovered a couple of my old blogs are still online:
- Cook-e-licious – collection of recipes from a time when I enjoyed experimenting in the kitchen.
- Luminosita – a learning log started in 2006 when I started my first university course, which I didn’t finish. I later started a couple of other courses, which I did complete.
My younger sister also keeps a blog, mainly book reviews because she loves to read and write – JoBlossom’s Storyboard. Since leaving full-time work I’ve been seeing a lot more of her, which has been great. This is one of my favourite photos of the two of us, taken around Christmas 2021 in her home: